Hello and Welcome to Wings' Book Club!

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Wings. I'm from Belgium. I'm an enthusiastic reader and an occasional writer. If I'm not doing either of those, I can usually be found knitting my latest project. Pretty soon, I may be able to add software creation to that list!

Wings reading in the library

Reading and creative activities are truly an escape for me when life gets too much, and as a person diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, I am rather prone to overload when my senses are working overtime.

My favourite escape is in fantasy books, first and foremost Harry Potter. On Pottermore I was sorted into Hufflepuff.

"Chicklit" fiction can also be great for tuning out and getting lost in a story. They're mostly what I choose for easy reads on sunny afternoons when I can lounge in the garden.

And then there are times when you really want some fresh new story, something you haven't read yet, something short (or not quite so short) for a change. Those are the times for discovering unpublished stories, fan fiction and similar. I've got a few of those for your delectation on this site too - just check out My Stories and Friends' Stories if you're up for it.

So make yourself comfortable, grab yourself a cuppa of your prefered beverage and happy reading!